Analisis Antarmuka Pencarian dan Hasil Pencarian

a) Referensi mengenai search usability
List of search usability guidelines (David, 2009)

1. The default search is intuitive to configure (no Boolean operators).
2. The search results page shows the user what was searched for and it is easy to edit
and resubmit the search.
3. Search results are clear, useful and ranked by relevance.
4. The search results page makes it clear how many results were retrieved, and the
number of results per page can be configured by the user.
5. If no results are returned, the system offers ideas or options for improving the query
based on identifiable problems with the user's input.
6. The search engine handles empty queries gracefully.
7. The most common queries (as reflected in the site log) produce useful results.
8. The search engine includes templates, examples or hints on how to use it effectively.
9. The site includes a more powerful search interface available to help users refine
their searches (preferably named "revise search" or "refine search", not "advanced search").
10. The search results page does not show duplicate results (either perceived duplicates or
actual duplicates).
11. The search box is long enough to handle common query lengths.
12. Searches cover the entire web site, not a portion of it.
13. If the site allows users to set up a complex search, these searches can be saved and
executed on a regular basis (so users can keep up-to-date with dynamic content).
14. The search interface is located where users will expect to find it (top right of page).
15. The search box and its controls are clearly labeled (multiple search boxes can be
16. The site supports people who want to browse and people who want to search.
17. The scope of the search is made explicit on the search results page and users can
restrict the scope (if relevant to the task).
18. The search results page displays useful meta-information, such as the size of the
document, the date that the document was created and the file type (Word, pdf etc.).
19. The search engine provides automatic spell checking and looks for plurals and
20. The search engine provides an option for similarity search ("more like this").

Top 10 Mistakes in Web Design (Nielson, 2011)

1. Bad Search

Overly literal search engines reduce usability in that they're unable to handle typos plurals, hyphens, and other variants of the query terms. Such search engines are particularly difficult for elderly users, but they hurt everybody. A related problem is when search engines prioritize results purely on the basis of how many query terms they contain, rather than on each document's importance. Much better if your search engine calls out "best bets" at the top of the list — especially for important queries, such as the names of your products. Search is the user's lifeline when navigation fails. Even though advanced search can sometimes help,simple search usually works best, and search should be presented as a simple box, since that's what users are looking for.

2. Not Changing the Color of Visited Links

A good grasp of past navigation helps you understand your current location, since it's the culmination of your journey. Knowing your past and present locations in turn makes it easier to decide where to go next. Links are a key factor in this navigation process. Users can exclude links that proved fruitless in their earlier visits. Conversely, they might revisit links they found helpful in the past. Most important, knowing which pages they've already visited frees users from unintentionally revisiting the same pages over and over again. These benefits only accrue under one important assumption: that users can tell the difference between visited and unvisited links because the site shows them in different colors. When visited links don't change color, users exhibit more navigational disorientation in usability testing and unintentionally revisit the same pages repeatedly.

b) Analisis kesalahan yang ada (hasil dalam bentuk tulisan) dan buatlah desain perbaikannya (hasil dalam bentuk gambar sedetil dan senyata mungkin).

- Icon kaca pembesar
Pada icon kaca pembesar pada website indosat tidak berfungsi sebagai tombol pencarian, melainnkan sebagai penghapus tulisan pada text box search. Hal ini karena dapat mengganggu user dalam pencarian jika tidak mengetahui pencarian tersebut harus menggunakan enter.

- Search results are clear, useful and ranked by relevance

Pada web ini sangat menyulitkan pengguna dari segi manfaat dan peringkat relevan nya tidak ada. Ketika melakukan pencarian tarif IM3 mesin pencari pada web ini memunculkan semua hal mengenai indosat. Sebaiknya setiap pencarian yang dilakukan pengguna sudah dapat langsung mengetahui dengan jelas hasil pencarian yang diinginkan dan dibuat dengan peringkat relevan.

- The search results page makes it clear how many results were retrieved, and the number of results per page can be configured by the user.

Halaman hasil pencaian pada web ini tidak jelas berapa banyak hasil yang diambil, Sebaiknya ditampilkan jumlah dari hasil pencarian perhalaman sehingga dapat dikonfigurasi oleh pengguna.

- If no results are returned, the system offers ideas or options for improving the query
based on identifiable problems with the user's input.

Dalam web ini jika ada pencarian yang tidak ditemukan hasil pencarian tidak
mengelluarkan apapun. Sebaiknya ada hasil yang dikembalikan sehingga tidak
membingungkan user dalam pencarian seperti “No Result”.

- The search engine provides automatic spell checking and looks for plurals and synonyms.

Web ini tidak ada pemeriksaan ejaan secara otomatis. Sebaiknya diberikan pemeriksaa ejaan secara otomotis,sehingga dapat membantu pengguna jika salah ketik
dalam pengejaan kata.

- Not Changing the color of visited
Dalam web ini ternyata link yang sudah dipilih sebelumnya sama sekali tidak mengalami perubahan warna. Padahal jika adanya perubahan warna dapat memudahkan dan membebaskan pengguna dari secara tidak sengaja mengunjungi kembali halaman yang sama berulang-ulang.

c) Tuliskan Referensi anda dengan mengacu aturan penulisan Daftar Pustaka standar harfard
(contoh di panduan PKM 2011).

David T. 2009. List of search usability guidelines.
[24 Oktober 2011]

Nielson J. 2011. Top 10 Mistakes in Web Design. [24 Oktober 2011].

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